Monday, October 27, 2014

From the Economist: The Pursuit of Happiness

One of the limits of GDP is that is tells us very little about the impact of production on the quality of life. Click on the article below from the Economist magazine and find out which country is happiest.

The Pursuit of Happiness

AP History Conference Topics

Below are links from The Economist and  provide interesting articles on food, agriculture and nutrition which might spark an interest in a topic for the AP History Conference.

Healthy Eating

Some other topics

Impact of food subsidies on diet and economy
Economic viability of vegetarianism
Fair trade vs Free trade
Impact of agricultural lobby groups
Economics of diets
Government food pyramid
Organic food movement
Grow and buy locally movement

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Quiz tomorrow

15 MC
Supply and Demand
Price Ceilings
Determinants of supply and Demand